A coloring contest is always a winner with the kids depending on what the prizes are all about? One thing when holding a contest with kids you need the prize structure to make sure that everybody is a winner. Remember these kids are your clients too and in most cases determine where they eat out as a family.
After the pandemic the thought of eating in has become more appealing and you as a restaurant should think of ways to add your take-out or delivery to the family out activities.
This TYFYB opportunity uses the tiling feature and have created a 26 in by 36 in poster that has been broken into nine pieces designed to be a part of family night coloring party.
To advertise the party the restaurant creates a special deal of take-out or delivery meals and adds this menu on the back side of the coloring party flyer as seen below.
With a month before Halloween send this flyer with each of your take-out and/or deliveries advertising the activities. Include the fact that you include the Halloween candy at no charge. You just need to know how many kids/adults in the coloring party.
They order your food package and get their candy at no charge plus you send the coloring sheets that are printed on-demand. A good touch is to add the coloring markers as a party bonus. Cost $20.00 each taxes and shipping in.
Further to this, the best way to get this family night to become a regular occurrence is to offer coupons to the next event.
To find your next National Event Day go to Food and Beverage Holidays